Ways to Give
Your gifts allow Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation, Inc. to provide crucial diagnostics, surgery and glasses to children, adults, and seniors when they need it most.
We are excited to have an anonymous donor through a donor advised fund of Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta who will match up to $50,000 raised in our year-end giving efforts.
Double Your Impact
Double your donation to Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation, Inc. Many employers sponsor matching gift programs to match charitable contributions made by their employees. Gifts from employees' spouses and retirees may also qualify for a match. If you volunteer with us, your company may also offer a volunteer grant program.
Check with your employer to see if they have a matching gift program today!
Planned Giving
How Will You Be Remembered?
With a little planning and a big heart you can provide sight to Georgians who need it most today and for years to come! Your gifts allow Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation, Inc. to provide crucial diagnostics, surgery and glasses to children, adults, and seniors when they need it most.
Whether you would like to put your donation to work today, leave a legacy to support individuals in the future, or both, we can help you find a charitable plan that meets your financial and philanthropic goals.
Together, we can give the gift of sight to Georgians in need.

Ways to Leave a Legacy
- Will
- Bequest Retirement
- Plan Assets 401(k), 403(b)
- IRA Life Insurance Beneficiary at Death
- Life Insurance Transfer of policy ownership to Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation, Inc.
- Donor Advised Fund
- Charitable Remainder Trust
- Charitable Lead Trust
Interested in Leaving a Legacy?
Interested in supporting Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation, Inc. in a planned gift? One of the easiest ways is to add us to your will. You can consult with your attorney to add us to your will or if you do not have a will, freewill.com is a resource that can help you put a will together. You can give a specific dollar amount or a percentage. The language to use would be “I, hereby give, devise and bequeath to Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation, Inc., EIN – 58-0548732, 5582 Peachtree Road, Chamblee, GA 30341, (404) 325-3630the sum of $_________ or ______%, or __________fractional interest of my estate.” If you wish it to be for a specific purpose you can state as such at the same time (ex: eye surgery, tele-optometry, mobile clinics, etc.)
Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation, Inc.
EIN – 58-0548732
5582 Peachtree Road,
Chamblee, GA 30341
(404) 325-3630
We understand that the decision to leave a gift through your estate plan is a personal, important one.
The documents below are provided for more detailed information on how to make your decision on Planned Giving:
2022 Year-End Gift Ideas: A Brief Guide to the Tax Advantages downloadable pdf
What a Will Can Accomplish downloadable pdf
Reviewing Your Financial Plan downloadable pdf
Preparing Your Will downloadable pdf
Planned Giving Opportunities downloadable pdf
How to Personalize Your Will downloadable pdf
Gifts of Stock downloadable pdf
Five Planned Giving Options downloadable pdf
Financial & Estate Planning for Women downloadable pdf
Estate Planning Beyond Your Will downloadable pdf
Your gifts allow Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation, Inc. to provide crucial diagnostics, surgery and glasses to children, adults, and seniors when they need it most.
Companies, individuals and organizations who want to volunteer may contact Beth Ehrhardt or call 770-735-4668.
Optometrists and Ophthalmologists who wish to volunteer may contact Beth Ehrhardt or call 770-735-4668. Join us in our mission to bring sight to Georgians who need it most.